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SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1 Build 4504
[ ] 30.08.2009, 19:16

  PocketWeather - крайне приятная программа для вывода на экран Today прогноза погоды в красивом виде.

  Для быстрого просмотра можно определить до 6 городов мира. На каждый из них будут выводиться данные о температуре, давлении, ветре на 5 дней вперед. А также подгружаться пиктограммы состояния погоды из сети. Полностью настраивается внешний вид панели PocketWeather.

  К подробному прогнозу можно перейти, просто нажав на нужную пиктограмму. Кроме погоды программа покажет фазы Луны, время восхода и заката.

  Основные особенности:
* Получение прогноза для нескольких городов.
* Можно добавить свой город
* Русская локализация
* Скины
* Сравнение прогнозов
* Источники прогнозов
* Возможность настройки обновления
* Фазы луны

  PocketWeather 2.3.1 RC1 (Build 4504)

* Update to ICAO/METAR station database
* Rework of static image configuration handling
* PW Updater - Weather templates - fixed "IsImageURLEnabled" handling
* CustomView scripts - added "ANYalert" variable and conditional - added more variations on alert variable formats and conditions
* WeatherTemplates handling - was resetting the user and alert messages
* Fixed weather data expiry handling when timestamp is before now - was overflowing unsigned value...
* Fixed hourly forecast data - was not being flagged as forecast data
* Fixed/improved detection of valid hourly forecast data
* Set minimal schedule update rate to 9 minutes, instead of 10 minutes, which was clashing with minimal update rate of 10 minutes
* Fixed HasHourlyForecastData for CheckForDisplayingCurrentHourlyForecast mode - was not checking for future hourly forecasts
* When converting wind direction text to enumeration, now handles degrees
* Added "alerts" on menu below "WeatherConsole" if a location has currently active alerts - launches directly into WeatherConsole onto the appropriate alerts page
* When Today/Home or WC is checking to see whether to start an update, now ignore the scheduled update flag - will continue to check to see whether an update is needed depending on the age of data. This means that even when PW scheduled are enabled, PW will still update as-and-when required when the device is awake.
* Added WeatherTemplate support for "IsalertsEnabled("")". Updated weather templates to us IsalertsEnabled
* "Detailed" view - changed text colour on title panels to be black - makes it usable on the Today/Home screen
* Weather.com has disabled access to the xoap service which PW uses to convert zip code to latitude/longitude - PW now uses two new different services to convert zip to latitude/longitude
* If a user manually adds a location using its locationID, was failing to extract the location name - fixed
* Fixed download timeout abort handing
* Added support for "OnlyDoThisIfImageURLNotAlreadyConfigured"
* Fixed a couple of threading issues in customview handling
* WC Overview - fixed day-8 "Next" handling - was going to wrong page name
* Following temporary failure of Earthquake feed "http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/finger/quake.asc", PW now used "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/catalogs/1day-M2.5.xml" for earthquake feed - this is updated more frequently.
* Fixed earthquake data handling - was loosing closes location info
* Fixed exporting of timezone ID and name
* Disabled logging for pwcmstub
* Added Weather Underground international current conditions feed
* When selecting custom feed, force the selected station to custom feed
* Fixed auto-configuring of custom weather template ids
* Lots and lots of speed/efficiency optimisations to make processing of downloaded weather data faster.

Системные требования: WM2003 - WM6.1, SP
Дополнительные требования: Нет данных
Тип установки: CAB

Скачать с DeposiFiles.com:

SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1 Build 4504 PPC Скачать файл

SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1 Build 4504 SP Скачать файл

Зеркало на GetTheBit.com:

SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1 Build 4504 PPC Скачать файл

SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1 Build 4504 SP Скачать файл

Зеркало на SharingMatrix.com:

SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1 Build 4504 PPC Скачать файл

SBSH PocketWeather v2.3.1 Build 4504 SP Скачать файл

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