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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen v.1.0
[ ] 15.06.2009, 17:53

  Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen v.1.0

  Сразу приношу Свои извинения за непереведённое описание

  Revenge is coming! TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen features explosive action based on the major Paramount movie sequel. Take control of Autobot leader Optimus Prime and the heroic Bumblebee with help from both Autobot and human allies. Battle the threat of the Decepticons across locations around the globe as mighty Autobot soldier and powerful vehicle. Race through the streets in vehicle form and transform into Autobots with awesome new powers! You must defend Earth against a Deception threat that challenges everything the world knew about TRANSFORMERS.

Системные требования: WM5-6.1
Разрешение экрана: VGA
Тип установки: CAB

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen v.1.0 VGA Скачать файл


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen v.1.0 VGA Скачать файл

Предыдущие версии

Категория: Action, Аркады | Добавил: 3pda
Просмотров: 725 | Загрузок: 0
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